Conference Proceedings
Qld Coal Symposium, Brisbane, August 1991
Conference Proceedings
Qld Coal Symposium, Brisbane, August 1991
Characterisation of Micrinite in the Late Triassic Callide Coal Measure
Samples from the Callide Coal Measures, Queensland, Australia, containing the minor maceral, micrinite, have been studied using optical and electron-optical techniques to determine the precise compositional and structural nature of micrinite when in association with vitrinite macerals. Emphasis has been placed on direct spatial correlation of optical and electron-optical data due to the fine grain size (<1 m) of micrinite and its relatively low abundance compared with other macerals in the callide basin coals. precise elemental, morphological and structural data, including electron diffraction, provides unambiguous evidence for the presence of kaolinite in the component known as micrinite. indeed, micrinite consists predominantly of fine-grained kaolinite (>90 per cent of the component) and, as such, should not be considered a maceral.1>
B S M Faraj, I D R Mackinnon, M Glikson
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- Published: 1991
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