Conference Proceedings
Qld Coal Symposium, Brisbane, August 1991
Conference Proceedings
Qld Coal Symposium, Brisbane, August 1991
The Application of Neutron-Gamma Sirolog to Estimate Iron Content in Coal And Implications for Estimating Ash Fusion Characteristics
A field trial of the prompt neutron-gamma SIROLOG technique was undertaken by the CSIRO - Division of Geomechanics at Callide Coalfields during July 1989. The trial investigated whether the sonde could reliably be used for the determination of Ash and Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) in coal seams, which had a highly variable iron content. Ten boreholes were logged, being water filled of a nominal diameter of 120 mm. The logging probe employed a 1.6 g 252Cf neutron source and a 51 x 51 mm BGO detector. The source to detector distance was 15 cm. The results from one exploration borehole at the Dunn Creek Mine are discussed in the paper. The rms deviations for ash and iron determination between the neutron-capture predictions of the geophysical logs and the laboratory - chemical assays were 1.9 per cent Ash and 0.88 per cent Fe respectively. Using existing empirical equations which relate iron oxide concentration in coal ash to Initial Deformation Temperature (reducing conditions) at Callide, it may be possible to indirectly determine ash fusion properties as least as accurately, on a more detailed ply-by-ply basis, and more cost competitively than current laboratory techniques allow.
M S Biggs
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- Published: 1991
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- Unique ID: P199105025