Conference Proceedings
Reliability Production and Control in Coal Mines, Wollongong, September 1991
Conference Proceedings
Reliability Production and Control in Coal Mines, Wollongong, September 1991
Reliability of Predictive Methods for Control of Roof Strata in Longwall Faces
In a state-of-the-an review of predictive methods for longwall support load calculation, special respect is paid to those techniques which enable actual roof conditions and local lithology of strata to be involved. Principal systems of roof examination include the borehole perforation test and seismic velocity measurements. Roof strata stability is related to caveability classifications and roof inclination due to subsidence. The critical analysis of both load resistance prediction methods and roof stability classifications shows that each has its own value of reliability level. The present research opportunities analysed underline the significance of developing fully reliable prediction techniques as needed by the coal industry.
A Kidybinski
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- Published: 1991
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- Unique ID: P199106042