Conference Proceedings
Reliability Production and Control in Coal Mines, Wollongong, September 1991
Conference Proceedings
Reliability Production and Control in Coal Mines, Wollongong, September 1991
The Application of High Pressure Water to Shearer Loaders
The patented "Epytensic" pump of Minnovation Ltd, a multiple piston pump, is used widely on shearer loaders and by partial high pressure watcr jet cutting strategically in relation to cutter picks not only improves cutting rates, but saves power and increases the life of gearboxes and picks, as well as improving dust suppression. The "Face Side Pump", also a piston pump, located on the ranging arm gearhead has advantages over gateroad pumps and shearer body pumps. The "Extraction Drum", hydraulic air mover system, linked with the above innovations and high pressure water, have further advantages in methane and dust removal. Some modifications providing these systems need workshop applications but most are possible underground with minimal changes to shearer profiles and advantages of minimising hosing, along with the other advantages stated.
G A Parrott
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- Published: 1991
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- Unique ID: P199106050