Conference Proceedings
Reliability Production and Control in Coal Mines, Wollongong, September 1991
Conference Proceedings
Reliability Production and Control in Coal Mines, Wollongong, September 1991
The Planning and Methods Used at Selby in the Design of High Productivity Systems
British Coal's Selby Complex is the newest producing mine in the United Kingdom. The reasons behind its origins, planning and design are explained. Some detail is given of equipment used, with the emphasis being placed on the unique features of its layout. The entire project has been planned and constructed over many years and the design has consequently changed, principally in response to the geology of the coalfield and improving technology. In spite of many totally unexpected difficulties, the mine, which is not yet in full production, has the highest productivity in the United Kingdom.
A Houghton
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- Published: 1991
- PDF Size: 0.847 Mb.
- Unique ID: P199106055