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Sampling 2012 Conference

Conference Proceedings

Sampling 2012 Conference

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Confirming the Sampling, Sample Preparation and Assaying Protocols Used at Two Yilgarn Gold Deposits

Check sampling programs were undertaken at Barrick Australia Pacific Limited's Lawlers and Plutonic mine sites in Western Australia. The programs identified that the sampling, sample preparation and assaying protocols required modification to ensure acceptable precision (reproducibility) for each gold mineralisation type. These case studies describe the processes used to identify the: inconsistent precision different types of test work programs that were conducted to quantify the appropriateness for each mineralisation type steps used to modify the protocols._x000D_
The type of test work conducted included: a duplicate series heterogeneity test for particulate gold mineralisation in the Lawlers gold deposit screen fire assay test work on duplicate subsamples for arsenopyrite associated mineralisation at the Plutonic gold deposit._x000D_
Each test work program required a detailed scope specifying the sample selection criteria, sample preparation and assaying steps. The aim of the test work flow chart design was to ensure the assay precision between the different particle sizes or duplicate sample pairs could be measured and calculated. In the screen fire test work the true grade of the primary sample was calculated and compared against each subsample.A high quality assay laboratory was utilised for the test work. All samples were fire assayed and the gold grade determined using a gravimetric finish. The assay results were validated and the data was analysed using tables and graphs in spreadsheets. Following data analysis a modified sample preparation and assaying protocol for each mineralisation type was designed for use by the principal assay laboratories. Following implementation of the new protocols, routine check samples were collected during the sample preparation and assaying stages to monitor the performance of the new protocol.CITATION:Fallon, M, Rowley, M, Du Plessis, E, Golenya, F, Robertson, I and Swanson, R, 2012. Confirming the sampling, sample preparation and assaying protocols used at two Yilgarn gold deposits, in Proceedings Sampling 2012, pp 47-62 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2012
  • PDF Size: 1.325 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201207009

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