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Conference Proceedings

Second International Future Mining Conference 2011

Conference Proceedings

Second International Future Mining Conference 2011

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Now to the Future - A Path Toward the Future Mine

Each of us has a vision of what the future mine will be and, generally, these visions have many similarities and some differences. One of the major discrepancies in visions of the future mine is not the ultimate goal but the path to achieve it. Many of the future concepts require a radical rethinking of how things are and will be done yet. So how do we reach this visionary future mine? We need a path that satisfies both our future aspirations of a high tech gee-whiz operated from our iPads and the unfortunately mundane approach that says we must know the method works, ie nothing new'.This paper explores how, within a research based organisation, we firstly set our ultimate goal and then divide the path into realistic technology development chunks that would appeal to mining companies to progress within their organisational constraints. Through examples, such as, automated LHDs, communications systems, surveying and localisation, rock cutting and geological sensing, we illustrate how this path will get us from the here and now to the out there future.This paper also demonstrates CSIRO's short, medium and long-term research in many of the areas needed to create the Future Mine: mining methods, automation and remote control, mine communications, mapping and mission planning, geological sensing and, importantly, humansystem integration, which examines how to effectively present data as information to operators and supervisors in an intelligent and useful manner._x000D_
FORMAL CITATION:Gipps, I, Cunningham, J, Fraser, S and Widzyk-Capehart, E, 2011. Now to the future - a path toward the future mine, in Proceedings Second International Future Mining Conference 2011, pp 157-162 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2011
  • PDF Size: 0.112 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201114024

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