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Conference Proceedings

Seventh International Conference & Exhibition on Mass Mining (MassMin 2016)

Conference Proceedings

Seventh International Conference & Exhibition on Mass Mining (MassMin 2016)

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Managing Stress and Seismicity in an Inclined Sublevel Cave

The Ernest Henry mine is a transverse sublevel cave (SLC), which is relatively unique due to the 45 degree inclination of the orebody. To economically recover ore, each sublevel is horizontally offset from the previous level by around 25 m, depending on the orebody geometry. Mine development, slotting and initial production within this zone occurs in a high stress abutment that increases in magnitude at depth. These areas are seismically active and close to the hanging wall where cave propagation is yet to initiate. High stress conditions and the close proximity to the cave seismogenic zone results in challenging geotechnical conditions in the step out zone of each level and requires management of hazards including stress driven rockfalls, rock bursts and pillar failure.This paper outlines how these hazards were forecast using numerical modelling and geotechnical monitoring. Risk management techniques included dynamic ground support design, development of a new mine layout and extraction sequence as well as delayed re-entry into seismically active areas. Ongoing monitoring, instrumentation measurements and field observations were used to track the effectiveness of the controls.Future production levels are forecast to experience increasing stress and seismicity, which will increase demand on excavations and installed ground support. Ensuring the techniques and controls for monitoring, measuring and mitigating stress and seismic hazards are enforced is essential for continued safe production.CITATION:Campbell, A D, Bunker, K A, Ah Mu, E and Penney, A R, 2016. Managing stress and seismicity in an inclined sublevel cave, in Proceedings Seventh International Conference and Exhibition on Mass Mining (MassMin 2016), pp 319-328 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2016
  • PDF Size: 1.671 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201602036

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