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Conference Proceedings

7th Mill Operators' Conference

Conference Proceedings

7th Mill Operators' Conference

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The Seventh Mill Operators' Conference volume examines new and useful ideas for innovation and improvement in the operating pratices of processing solutions for those working as mineral processing metallurgists, engineers and foremen.
The volume contains 36 papers and they are grouped under the following headings:

Papers in collection

  • Trial of 14/12 millMAX TM Pump in the Ok Tedi Grinding Circuit Go to Paper
  • The Operation and Interaction of Grates and Pulp Lifters in Autogenous and Semi-Autogenous Mills Go to Paper
  • Recent Grinding Practice in the Copper Concentrator of Mount Isa Mines Limited Go to Paper
  • Evaluation of a Laser Online Ore Sizer at the WMC Leinster Nickel Operation Go to Paper
  • Evaluation of CAVEX Hydrocyclone in the Ok Tedi Grinding Circuit Go to Paper
  • Challenges for High Pressure Grinding in the New Millennium Go to Paper
  • Mill Liner Evolutions in Recent Times Go to Paper
  • Grate-Pulp Lifter Interaction in SAG/AG Mills Go to Paper
  • On the Assessment of Ore Grindability and Bond Work Index for Mill Control Go to Paper
  • Performance of the IsaMills in the George Fisher Flowsheet Go to Paper
  • Processing of Pisolitic Iron Ore at Mesa J Go to Paper
  • Minerals Processing Automation Technology in 2007 Go to Paper
  • Commissioning Under a Microscope - The Cawse Nickel Start-Up Go to Paper
  • Leinster Nickel Concentrator - Past, Present and Future Go to Paper
  • Back to Basics - The Way Forward at Pasminco Rosebery Mine Go to Paper
  • Commissioning the Cannington Project - Creating Success Go to Paper
  • Improving Flotation Plant Performance at Cadia by Controlling and Optimising the Rate of Froth Recovery Using Outokumpu FrothMasterTM Go to Paper
  • The Re-opening of CSA Mine, Cobar NSW Go to Paper
  • Upgrading the Gravity Circuit at Marvel Loch Go to Paper
  • The George Fisher Project to Increase Recovery in the Mount Isa Lead/Zinc Concentrator Go to Paper
  • The Application of Multi-Component Floatability Models to Full Scale Flotation Circuits Go to Paper
  • Selection of Cell Operating Conditions to Optimise Performance of Flotation Circuits with Large Cells Go to Paper
  • Oxygen Demand Testing - A New Laboratory Procedure Go to Paper
  • Beneficiation of Mt Weld Rare Earth Oxides by Gravity Concentration, Flotation and Magnetic Separation Go to Paper
  • Size by Size Analysis of Operating Characteristics of Jameson Cell Cleaners at the Bajo De Alumbrera Copper/Gold Concentrator Go to Paper
  • An Effective Approach to Reagent Plant Trials Go to Paper
  • The Application of the Floatability Characterisation Test Rig (FCTR) in Flotation Research Go to Paper
  • A New Laboratory Flotation Rig for Ore Floatability Determination Go to Paper
  • Flotation Characteristics of Kalgoorlie Super Pit Sulphidic Gold Ore Go to Paper
  • The Characterisation of Hydrodynamic Conditions in Industrial Flotation Cells Go to Paper
  • Advances in Rotating Magnetic Field Separation Since 1997 Go to Paper
  • Advances in the Quantification of Gold Deportment by QemSCAN Go to Paper
  • Enhanced Leaching Through the Use of Power Ultrasound Go to Paper
  • Knelson Concentrators Extreme Gravity Go to Paper
  • Application of Alternative Lixiviants for Secondary Heap Leaching of Gold Go to Paper
  • Tailings Disposal Costs - The Hidden Design Parameter Go to Paper
  • The Improvements in Control of the Mill 3 Circuit at Alcoa's Wagerup Refinery Go to Paper
PD Hours
Approved activity
  • Published: 1999
  • Unique ID: PA-200006

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