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Conference Proceedings

Seventh Mill Operators' Conference

Conference Proceedings

Seventh Mill Operators' Conference

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Advances in Rotating Magnetic Field Separation Since 1997

Since the announcement of early experimental work on rotating magnetic field (RMF) separation at the Sixth Mill Operators' Conference in 1997, the concept of RMF separation has been developed and tested further, and a range of separator designs is now being developed for the mineral processing industry. Shortened, but full diameter, prototypes of these designs are now available for test separations. The main advantage of RMF low and medium intensity attraction separation is the significant reduction in particle entrapment. This reduction is so significant that RMF separators are capable of operating very close to their theoretical limit for separator precision. This makes small laboratory RMF attraction separators ideal for low to medium intensity magnetic sample analysis, and larger separators ideal for applications requiring sharp magnetic susceptibility splits. Feedrates and separation rates are comparable to those of conventional attraction separators. Although RMF attraction separators are now well advanced in development, RMF rotation separation is still in the early experimental stage. The exception to this is the dry particle rotation eddy current separator that offers eddy current separation of small non-ferrous metallic particles from about 2 mm down to about 100 microns. Wet small particle eddy current separation is also possible, but has not yet been developed to a practical stage.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 1.479 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200006031

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