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Conference Proceedings

7th Mill Operators' Conference

Conference Proceedings

7th Mill Operators' Conference

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Back to Basics - The Way Forward at Pasminco Rosebery Mine

Significant improvements in the metallurgical performance at Pasminco Rosebery Mine have occurred over the last two years. Lead and silver recoveries have increased by more than ten per cent, lead concentrate grades are four per cent higher, zinc recoveries are up 1.5 per cent, and zinc concentrate grades have increased by two per cent. These impressive results have not occurred through the application of some new wonder reagent, but through the application of some fundamental metallurgical principals. The basic premise applied during this study was that to make an effective separation you must first achieve liberation. Therefore, the laboratory and plant studies examined the liberation characteristics within the lead circuit, and the impact of regrinding. The work demonstrated clearly that galena/sphalerite liberation was poor, and significantly impaired plant performance. Further, it was suggested that the application of lead regrinding of the lead scavenger concentrate and the lead first cleaner tailing would not only benefit lead metallurgy, but also improve sphalerite flotation. A similar approach was then applied to the zinc circuit. From these studies, solutions applying simple circuit changes utilising existing equipment were proposed and implemented. Further to the improvements in galena/sphalerite liberation, significant improvements in concentrate quality were achieved by reducing variation within the process. The implementation of changes in work practices negotiated in the Enterprise Agreement, employee contributions and specialist training also made a significant contribution to the unprecedented improvement in the lead and zinc flotation circuit performance. The results of these plant changes are discussed, along with the suggested scope for further improvement.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.828 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200006015

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