Conference Proceedings
Seventh Mill Operators' Conference
Conference Proceedings
Seventh Mill Operators' Conference
Beneficiation of Mt Weld Rare Earth Oxides by Gravity Concentration, Flotation and Magnetic Separation
Ashton Mining Ltd (Ashton) and Lynas Corporation Ltd (Lynas) have established a joint venture partnership to develop and process rare earth oxides (REO's) from the Mt Weld deposit in Western Australia. The deposit is located in a deeply weathered volcanic carbonatite structure that contains approximately two million tonnes of rare earth oxides at an average grade of 20 per cent REO. As part of the 1999/2000 feasibility study currently being undertaken by Ashton and Lynas, an extensive laboratory beneficiation test program was undertaken by CSIRO Minerals on diamond drill core samples from the Mt Weld orebody. The aim was to develop a flowsheet, based primarily on flotation that could be confirmed at pilot plant scale. The target concentrate grade was 52 per cent REO with a REO recovery of at least 35 per cent. Two main ore types, nominated as CZ (limonitic siltstone) and LI (nodular limonitic ironstone) were identified for separate laboratory evaluation. The lower grade LI-type ore overlies the higher grade and more extensive CZ-type ore. The majority of the work was conducted on the CZ ore; only limited testing of the LI ore was undertaken. The latter contains a clay component that will present difficulties in processing due to its poor filtering and settling characteristics. Two processing options for treatment of CZ ore were presented for pilot plant consideration. One (Option 1) includes gravity concentration prior to flotation while the other (Option 2) includes finer grinding and four stages of open circuit cleaning. The benefits of each scheme are discussed in detail. Neither has been fully optimised and the definitive flowsheet is most likely to be a hybrid of the two schemes, incorporating the best features of each. Typical metallurgical results from each scheme were final concentrate grades of 49 per cent REO, 10-16 per cent Fe2O3 and 3.2-4.8 per cent CaO. REO recoveries were above 35 per cent in both cases. Features of the processes developed by CSIRO were the inclusion of a gravity concentration stage prior to flotation, a modified flotation reagent scheme, a change in the method of feed preparation, and incorporation of magnetic separation to upgrade final flotation concentrates. Metallurgical results obtained from flotation tests on LI ore were much poorer than those obtained for CZ ore. The best rougher/scavenger result, with the limited amount of testing so far completed, was an REO grade of 32 per cent with a recovery of 28 per cent. Further work is needed to develop a viable processing route for this ore type.
P J Guy, W J Bruckard, M J Vaisey
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