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Conference Proceedings

Seventh Mill Operators' Conference

Conference Proceedings

Seventh Mill Operators' Conference

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Evaluation of a Laser Online Ore Sizer at the WMC Leinster Nickel Operation

A trial of an Adept Online Ore Sizer (OOS) was undertaken at the WMC Leinster Nickel Operation (LNO) in the first half of 2000. During this time the On Line Ore Sizer has been shown to be a robust and accurate instrument for measuring mill feed ore size. Data collected during the trial indicates significant variation in the F80 of the SAG mill feed. The effects of feed size on milling parameters such as mill weight, mill power draw and mill efficiency appears to be dependent on the ore blend treated. With some ore blends a weak positive correlation was found between ore size and mill weight and milling efficiency but with others no correlation is evident. It is believed that the OOS will become a vital piece of equipment in the future as LNO continues to optimises its milling circuit.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.408 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200006004

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