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Conference Proceedings

7th Mill Operators' Conference

Conference Proceedings

7th Mill Operators' Conference

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Oxygen Demand Testing - A New Laboratory Procedure

With oxygen conditioning routinely used in both the lead and zinc circuits at Pasminco Elura Mine a more sophisticated method of determining oxygen demand was required. It is known that different ore types have different oxygen consumption rates, however oxygen is added at a fixed rate regardless of ore type in the plant. Therefore, a simple laboratory test was devised to measure the oxygen demand of ores. The paper describes the technique employed, and provides an interpretation of the results. These data, together with pulp chemical measurements (Eh, pH and EDTA extraction data) were correlated against laboratory flotation performance to establish the relationship between oxygen demand and the position of the grade/recovery curve.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.457 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200006023

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