Conference Proceedings
Seventh Mill Operators' Conference
Conference Proceedings
Seventh Mill Operators' Conference
Size by Size Analysis of Operating Characteristics of Jameson Cell Cleaners at the Bajo De Alumbrera Copper/Gold Concentrator
Minera Alumbrera Limited operates the Alumbrera concentrator, treating a nominal 80 000 tpd of porphyry gold/copper ore. It is located in Argentina, 1200 km north-west of Buenos Aires in Catamarca Province, at an elevation of 2550 m above sea level. Treatment facilities consist of crushing, SAG and primary ball mill grinding circuits, rougher flotation, ball mill regrinding, gravity recovery and cleaner flotation. It is one of only a small number of concentrators in the world, which uses Jameson Cells alone for cleaner circuit flotation. Plant design was started in June 1995, with commissioning commencing in July 1997. Following a successful ramping up to design tonnages and recoveries, a number of options were reviewed to improve gold and copper recoveries. This paper concentrates on a detailed size by size flotation recovery project, commenced in May 1999. Utilising optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and analysis of surface chemistry it has allowed losses by size fraction to be quantified and options for enhanced recoveries to be developed. Coupled with extensive circuit surveys it has also provided an insight into previously unknown properties of Jameson Cell operation. Among these are unique residence time and bubble formation reactions to reagent and pulp flow variations, which has permitted a number of novel changes to the operation to maximise capacity and recovery.
G Harbort, D Lauder, J Miranda, A Murphy
Size by Size Analysis of Operating Characteristics of Jameson Cell Cleaners at the Bajo De Alumbrera Copper/Gold ConcentratorPDFThis product is exclusive to Digital library subscription
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- Published: 2000
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