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Conference Proceedings

Seventh Mill Operators' Conference

Conference Proceedings

Seventh Mill Operators' Conference

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Tailings Disposal Costs - The Hidden Design Parameter

The purpose of this paper is to look at the costs of tailings disposal, and in particular the comparative costs of different disposal methods in different situations. Costs are often the hidden design parameter. We know that they are important but sometimes feel that it is not very respectable to talk about them in public. It is better from a public relations point of view for it to appear that the decision-making process is driven by environmental factors or best practice rather than looking for the cheapest option. But this presumes that the two are mutually exclusive and this need not be so. These issues are discussed later in the paper. It is also commonplace for the scale of the mining operation to change with time, typically involving increased throughput rates and total tonnage. New ideas in tailings disposal make their appearance. The regulatory attitude can change. Having made a decision about the disposal method at the time of original feasibility study and design it is easy to suppose that the mine is stuck with it'. But that also need not necessarily be so. Careful costing of options may reveal that a switch in method could be cheaper in the long run. The designer will often tend to think in terms of initial earthworks and site development costs. Aspects of power consumption, labour, and periodic campaigns to move tailings pipelines and carry out embankment raises are either overlooked or not given the same emphasis. This can distort the evaluation process. It is productive to think in terms of dollars or cents per tonne as a basis of comparison, not just the total sums. Tailings disposal can cost from as little as 10 - 20 /t to over $1.00/t which is a big range. There may be good and unavoidable reasons for the high figure but there would need to be to justify being so far over the industry average. At the same time, mining and processing costs, at least for gold, are around $15 - 20/t. Viewed from this perspective tailings disposal will always be a relatively small component of the annual budget.
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  • Published: 2000
  • PDF Size: 1.108 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200006036

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