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Conference Proceedings

Sixth International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD)

Conference Proceedings

Sixth International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD)

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Acid Rock Drainage Prediction and Waste Rock Segregation Plan for Ankerite-Containing Mine Waste - Restigouche Mine Case Study

The results of a detailed acid rock drainage (ARD) prediction program were used to revise the waste rock segregation criteria at the Restigouche open pit mine. Waste rock at the site was predominately derived from altered volcanic rocks that hosted a massive sulfide lead/zinc orebody. The program assessed the five years of drainage chemistry from both the potentially acid generating and the non-acid generating waste rock storage facilities in addition to laboratory-based kinetic test results. Material-specific leaching characteristics including relative metal-release rates and neutralisation potential depletion rates were determined from 12 laboratory-based kinetic tests. Solid-phase analyses indicated that, although pyrite was typically the most abundant sulfide mineral in the waste rock, its abundance varied significantly as documented by total sulfur contents ranging from <0.01 per cent to>4.0 per cent._x000D_
Kinetic test results were used to establish revised waste rock segregation criteria based on total sulfur content and neutralisation potential. The revised criteria maintain that waste material with a total sulfur content <0.1 per cent to be handled as non-acid generating and>4.0 per cent as potentially acid generating. When present in sufficient quantities, ankerite provided an effective source of neutralisation potential for the range of observed sulfide oxidation rates. Kinetic testing documented that up to 6 kg CaCO3/t was ineffective at neutralising acidity in samples that contained >4 per cent S. The carbonate molar ratio measured from the humidity cells was adjusted to reflect the stoichiometry of the ankerite and applied as an NP/AP criteria for waste rock containing 0.1
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  • Acid Rock Drainage Prediction and Waste Rock Segregation Plan for Ankerite-Containing Mine Waste - Restigouche Mine Case Study
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  • Published: 2003
  • PDF Size: 0.49 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200303038

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