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Conference Proceedings

Sixth International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD)

Conference Proceedings

Sixth International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD)

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Methodology for Calculating the Closure Water Balance for an Acid Generating Tailings Impoundment

Rehabilitation of tailings impoundments is one of the most challenging aspects in mine closure, as not only does the potential for producing leachate pose a challenge to the rehabilitation designer, but also other aspects such as stability and settlement must be considered. The water balance of a tailings impoundment is unique in the sense that it usually hosts a pond that in turn causes a phreatic surface in the impoundment. The position of the phreatic surface defines the saturated and unsaturated zones in the impoundment, which of course varies spatially and temporally._x000D_
Predictive modelling for this hydrologic system becomes difficult, as numerical models capable of analysing the combined saturated/unsaturated zones are not adequately refined to accurately solve the flux boundary problem for infiltration at the surface of the tailings. This paper describes the development of a flux boundary model that enabled accurate modelling of the unsaturated zone in the tailings impoundment at Kidston Gold Mine, Queensland, Australia. The technique made it possible to accurately predict the spatial variation of infiltration to the tailings as a result of the presence of the phreatic table._x000D_
The conceptual model defines the boundaries for the Kidston tailings dam, based on a generalised cross-section through the dam. Firstly the shape of the top boundary is described as a function of the particle size of the tailings associated with particle segregation that occurs due to the hydraulic placement of tailings. This function was rigorously tested using in situ infiltration tests and laboratory materials testing. Defining the bottom boundary of the section, ie the phreatic level was done by physically monitoring the phreatic level with 42 piezometers strategically located on the tailings dam. Analysis of this data led to the fixing of this bottom boundary through the introduction of a function that mimicked the shape of the phreatic level. The material properties of the surface layer, specifically the saturated permeability that would govern the infiltration/exfiltration rates of moisture through the top boundary layer were defined on the basis of extensive field and laboratory material testing. A function for the saturated permeability was developed on the principles of particle segregation. Finally a procedure is described for the application of the new conceptual model for the evaluation of the spatial infiltration to a tailings surface using the rigorous one dimensional surface flux boundary code SoilCover. The solution of the calculation described above was then used as the top boundary condition in conventional three dimensional saturated/ unsaturated flow codes, and verified against measured seepage rates from the tailings impoundment under drains._x000D_
It was concluded that the developed spatial flux function was in deed a most rigorous representation of reality. Although the methodology presented here was applied to the Kidston tailings impoundment only, the authors believe that the principles are directly transferable to any tailings impoundment that has a varying phreatic zone thickness due to the presence of a pond. The mathematical equations describing the typical cross-section would be site specific, but the approach and ultimate solution methodology would be directly transferable.
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  • Published: 2003
  • PDF Size: 0.157 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200303140

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