Conference Proceedings
Sixth International Mining Geology Conference
Conference Proceedings
Sixth International Mining Geology Conference
The International Mining Geology Conference series is the premier forum for mining geologists, from Australia and beyond to exchange operational ideas and the latest developments that impact on their work. The theme of the 2006 International Mining Geology Conference was Rising to the Challenge'.
The proceedings contain papers relating to Classification, Coal, Deposit Modelling, Geostatistics, Grade Control, Mine Design Interface, Professional Issues, Reconciliation, along with several case studies.
The proceedings contain papers relating to Classification, Coal, Deposit Modelling, Geostatistics, Grade Control, Mine Design Interface, Professional Issues, Reconciliation, along with several case studies.
Papers in collection
- The Role of the Mining Geologist - A Codelco Vision Go to Paper
- Geology and the Engineering of Safe and Effective Mines Go to Paper
- Reporting Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves in the United States of America -Technical and Regulatory Issues Go to Paper
- Managing Geological Complexity - Beta Hunt Mine, Kambalda, Western Australia Go to Paper
- Estimation and Exploitation in an Underground Narrow Vein Gold Operation - Nalunaq Mine, Greenland Go to Paper
- A Geological Overview of HyLogging 18 000 m of Core from the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia Go to Paper
- A New Geological Model for the Globe Progress Mine, New Zealand Go to Paper
- The Deep Parts of the Kiirunavaara Apatite-Magnetite Orebody in Kiruna, Northern Sweden and the Impact of Future Mining on the Township of Kiruna Go to Paper
- Inferred Mineral Resources and Gold Veins - Discussion and Case Studies Go to Paper
- An Approach to More Objective Classification of Mineral Resources Go to Paper
- Mineral Resource Classification - It's Time to Shoot the 'Spotted Dog'! Go to Paper
- Resource Classification - Keeping the End in Sight Go to Paper
- Improving Our Understanding of 'Basement' to Help Reduce Related Hazards to Coal Mining Go to Paper
- Quantitive Geophysical Log Interpretation for Geotechnical and Geological Assessment of Coal Measure Rocks Go to Paper
- Time-Lapse Ground Penetrating Radar Survey for Grout Injection Trial at Baal Bone Colliery Go to Paper
- Putting Geology and Engineering Back into Resource/Reserve Determination Go to Paper
- Challenges in Modelling Large Complex Orebodies at the George Fisher North Mine Go to Paper
- Resource Modelling in an Evolving Mine - CSA Mine, Cobar, New South Wales Go to Paper
- Recoverable Resource Estimation - A Comparison Using Constrained and Unconstrained Geology Models - Anwia Gold Deposit Go to Paper
- Orebody Solid Modelling Accuracy - A Comparison of Explicit and Implicit Modelling Techniques Using a Practical Example from the Hope Bay District, Nunavut, Canada Go to Paper
- Multiple Geological Models Go to Paper
- Geostatistical Simulations of Kimberlite Orebodies and Application to Sampling Optimisation Go to Paper
- Simulations of the Muyumkum Uranium Roll Front Deposit by Using Truncated Plurigaussian Method Go to Paper
- Unfolding the Luce Deposit to Improve Variograms Go to Paper
- Mineralogical Face-Mapping Using Hyperspectral Scanning for Mine Mapping and Control Go to Paper
- Bendigo Mine Grade Control Go to Paper
- Susceptibility and Gamma-Gamma Probe Measurements in Boreholes for Ore Boundary Determinations in LKAB's Iron Ore Mine in Malmberget, Northern Sweden Go to Paper
- Practical Consequences of Geological Uncertainty Go to Paper
- Data Mining Mining Data - Ordered Vector Quantisation and Examples of its Application to MIne Geotechnical Data Sets Go to Paper
- Modelling the Initial Pit Design - The First Step for Project Valuation Go to Paper
- The Use of the Geographical Information Systems (GIS)-Based Weights-of-Evidence Method for Assessing Mining Induced Rockfall Go to Paper
- Mentoring - Fostering Relationships to Enrich Decision-Making Go to Paper
- Anaylsing and Validiating Production Performance - A Reconciliation Case Study from George Fisher Mine, Northwest Queensland Go to Paper
- Reconciliation at KCGM Fimiston Operation Go to Paper
- Extreme Reconciliation - A Case Study from Diavik Diamond Mine Go to Paper
- Local Scale Estimation of Sublevel Cave Stocks - Is it Possible? A Case Study in Reconciliation of Metal Production, Ridgeway Mine, New South Wales Go to Paper
P Carrasco, P A Lilly, J-M Rendu, C Banasik, K P Crameri, S C Dominy, E J Sides, O Dahl, I M Platten, J Huntington, M Quigley, K Yang, T Roache, C Young, I Roberts, L Whitbourn, P Mason, C McIntosh, L J Reynolds, K Niiranen, W J Shaw, M C Godoy, G Muller, P Larrondo, P R Stephenson, A Allman, D P Carville, P T Stoker, P Mokos, J Tyrrell, T Burrows, G Yeates, D Hodson, B Healy, C Woodfull, S Munroe, R Sliwa, P Hatherly, T Medhurst, R Turner, B Zhou, B Shen, H Guo, D Wallace, T Briggs, D Dormer, M Darvall, R Fare, K Grenfell, M Haydon, J Hosken, E Haren, A Winchester, D Kentwell, R Simpson, D Clarke, R H Knight, S D Robson, M J Nugus, J Deraisme, M Field, L Fontaine, H Beucher, H J Glass, A J Cornah, S J Fraser, E Ramanaidou, P Connor, G Poropat, P Soole, D Coward, R Phillips, P Quigley, R Virkkunen, M Berry, P McCarthy, P A Mikula, M F Lee, B L Dickson, E Kinnersly, L Martínez, R Wolff, H Zahiri, G Brassington, E Baafi, J Coombes, J Mascini, R McCormack, T Berryman, C Morley, K Thompson, G Smart, T O’Sullivan
PD Hours
Approved activity
- Published: 2006
- Unique ID: PA-200606