Conference Proceedings
Sixth International Mining Geology Conference
Conference Proceedings
Sixth International Mining Geology Conference
Bendigo Mine Grade Control
Bendigo is Australia's second-most productive goldfield, having produced some 22 million ounces of gold between 1851 and 1954. Bendigo Mining Limited (BML), the sole lease-holder of the Bendigo Goldfield, is developing a mine that is planned to produce ore from beneath the historical workings for at least the next 25 years._x000D_
The high-grade Bendigo reefs occur in the proximity of the chevron anticlines, which characterise the goldfield. Typically the reefs display relatively small cross-sectional areas and large (subhorizontal) strike dimensions. They occur in clusters due to interrelated structural controls. Most of the gold occurs as visible grains and laminae, and as such grade estimation is not amenable to normal' sampling and estimation techniques. The initial phases of exploration and development of the mine focused on understanding and resolving these sampling and estimation issues._x000D_
In 2005, BML reviewed and updated the March 2004 Feasibility Study, refining the life of mine development strategy. The strategy fundamentally aims to exploit the 11 million ounce Inferred Resource and additional exploration potential by developing the current Kangaroo Flat Mine to produce ore at an initial rate of 450 000 t/yr in 2006/07, expanding to 600 000 t/yr by 2009/10; and developing the Eaglehawk Mine to produce 1 Mt/yr by 2011/12. Ore will be processed initially at the Kangaroo Flat site, and from 2011/12 also at the Eaglehawk Mine 1 Mt/yr processing plant. The two mines will connect underground in 2009. Total ore treatment capacity will be 1.6 Mt/yr, producing 600 000 oz/yr from a head grade of 12.7 g/t gold. The project is planned to operate for 25 years, processing 33.6 Mt of ore producing 13.7 Moz of gold._x000D_
To achieve this production rate, the exploration and ore delineation programs will require up to 16 diamond drill rigs producing over 200 km of core per year. At the same time, approximately 8 km of on-reef development must be monitored and typically 18 stopes managed concurrently. The processing plants will be located in geographically constrained areas, which will limit the ability for selective stockpiling and campaign treatment._x000D_
FORMAL CITATION:Quigley, P, 2006. Bendigo mine grade control, in Proceedings Sixth International Mining Geology Conference, pp 233-240 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
The high-grade Bendigo reefs occur in the proximity of the chevron anticlines, which characterise the goldfield. Typically the reefs display relatively small cross-sectional areas and large (subhorizontal) strike dimensions. They occur in clusters due to interrelated structural controls. Most of the gold occurs as visible grains and laminae, and as such grade estimation is not amenable to normal' sampling and estimation techniques. The initial phases of exploration and development of the mine focused on understanding and resolving these sampling and estimation issues._x000D_
In 2005, BML reviewed and updated the March 2004 Feasibility Study, refining the life of mine development strategy. The strategy fundamentally aims to exploit the 11 million ounce Inferred Resource and additional exploration potential by developing the current Kangaroo Flat Mine to produce ore at an initial rate of 450 000 t/yr in 2006/07, expanding to 600 000 t/yr by 2009/10; and developing the Eaglehawk Mine to produce 1 Mt/yr by 2011/12. Ore will be processed initially at the Kangaroo Flat site, and from 2011/12 also at the Eaglehawk Mine 1 Mt/yr processing plant. The two mines will connect underground in 2009. Total ore treatment capacity will be 1.6 Mt/yr, producing 600 000 oz/yr from a head grade of 12.7 g/t gold. The project is planned to operate for 25 years, processing 33.6 Mt of ore producing 13.7 Moz of gold._x000D_
To achieve this production rate, the exploration and ore delineation programs will require up to 16 diamond drill rigs producing over 200 km of core per year. At the same time, approximately 8 km of on-reef development must be monitored and typically 18 stopes managed concurrently. The processing plants will be located in geographically constrained areas, which will limit the ability for selective stockpiling and campaign treatment._x000D_
FORMAL CITATION:Quigley, P, 2006. Bendigo mine grade control, in Proceedings Sixth International Mining Geology Conference, pp 233-240 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
P Quigley
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- Published: 2006
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- Unique ID: P200606026