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Conference Proceedings

Sixth International Mining Geology Conference

Conference Proceedings

Sixth International Mining Geology Conference

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Geology and the Engineering of Safe and Effective Mines

The correct assessment and understanding of geotechnical conditions is fundamental to mine design and, hence, successful (safe and efficient) mine planning, design and operations. However, this assessment and understanding is simply not possible unless there is a sound appreciation of the geology of the project. This paper addresses geological uncertainty in mine engineering and its communication, and shows that a mining project that does not take geology properly into account in the engineering phase is fraught. Uncertainty levels become excessive, which leads to hazards and consequential risks in design and operations in terms of both safety and efficiency. Several examples, both positive and negative, are provided to make the point. The paper concludes that mining geologists must become more overtly cognisant of the influence of geology on mine engineering. Equally importantly, mining (and geotechnical) engineers must communicate better with their geological colleagues to ensure that they (the engineers) have a clear understating of the geological issues affecting their operations. The engineers must know how to ask the right questions of the geologists. Engineers who do not understand and take account of geology in their designs and operations are failing the expectations of stakeholders._x000D_
FORMAL CITATION:Lilly, P A, 2006. Geology and the engineering of safe and efficient mines, in Proceedings Sixth International Mining Geology Conference, pp 7-10 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2006
  • PDF Size: 0.111 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200606002

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