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Sixth International Mining Geology Conference

Conference Proceedings

Sixth International Mining Geology Conference

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Reconciliation at KCGM Fimiston Operation

The Fimiston reserve is being depleted at the rate of one million ounces per year; most of which is processed by the Fimiston plant, with the remainder being stockpiled._x000D_
As for most other large open cut mines around the world, Fimiston has an excellent dispatch and tracking system. Reconciliation is used to determine how the various models used in mine planning (such as a reserve, budget and schedule models) are tracking against production. It is also used to gauge the performance of grade control estimation against production; however, analysing the results of this can be complicated and, at times, misleading._x000D_
The reconciliation process involves adjusting the monthly production data to equal the mill reported tonnes and grade, plus the change in stockpiles. This adjusted number is then compared to the grade control reported tonnes and grade, the scheduled model (monthly planning model) tonnes and grade and against budget (Reserve) tonnes and grade._x000D_
This paper includes explanations of all assumptions made in the reconciliation process, including the end of month closing stocks balance, the application of adjustment factors to the dispatch data to create a new balanced set of production data and the monthly sign off to comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley requirements of the North American owners._x000D_
The reserve is reconciled by proved and probable classification. This tool is used to assess the robustness of the classification scheme utilised and identify any reconciliation issues as they arise._x000D_
Within the Fimiston deposit there are still issues that are clouded by the assumptions made concerning the scale of observation, poor data support and the mining of the narrow lode areas of the deposit. The declared ore mined (DOM) number (which is defined in the paper) can be significantly affected by these assumptions, and these need to be clearly stated and understood when looking at the reconciliation data._x000D_
The DOM tonnes and grade is a good indicator of real mine performance as it adjusts mined tonnes and grade to take into account the milled tonnes and grade each month, and prevents cumulative errors from building up in mine predicted dispatch numbers or end of period stockpiles. This number allows monthly monitoring of the mine to mill performance and allows valid comparisons to be made back to budgets and reserves over a period of time._x000D_
KCGM uses three month rolling averages to monitor performance against reserve and budget models. This ensures that monthly distortions in the figures due to stockpiling issues or over mining in a particular period do not lead to false conclusions. Reconciliation performance over a longer period (12 - 18 months) is used to adjust reserve models should significant variance be observed._x000D_
By closely monitoring the reconciliation performance at the Fimiston operation, fine tuning of all aspects of the grade estimation process from reserve through to grade control can be made. This allows the most accurate data to be used when planning from reserve data for the Life of Mine Plan through to grade control data for short-term mill feed._x000D_
FORMAL CITATION:McCormack, R and Berryman, T, 2006. Reconciliation at KCGM Fimiston operation, in Proceedings Sixth International Mining Geology Conference, pp 307-312 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2006
  • PDF Size: 0.765 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200606034

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