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Conference Proceedings

Strip Mining 45 Metres and Beyond, Central Queensland

Conference Proceedings

Strip Mining 45 Metres and Beyond, Central Queensland

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Geotechnical Investigations for New Strip Mines

With increasing depth of mining, geotech nical factors assume increasing importance in the design and operation of open pit coal mines. Dragline strip mines are particularly sensitive to stability conditions since the draoline is a relatively inflexible machine, particularly in relation to its limited dump- ing radius for overburden disposal. Geotechnical factors relevant to strip mine design include: 1. spoil pile stability 2. wall stability 3. floor stability 4. excavation characteristics 5. groundwater conditions A basic geotechnical investigation pro- gram for new mine feasibility studies is described. This includes: 1. terrain evaluation 2. geotechnical drilling and logging 3. geophysical logging 4. materials testing 5. seismic refraction traversing 6. groundwater studies Such a program will give an overall geotech- nical assessment of the site and highlight any areas which may require further, more detailed Investigations
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  • Published: 1981
  • PDF Size: 0.833 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P198105009

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