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Conference Proceedings

Sustainable Mining 2010

Conference Proceedings

Sustainable Mining 2010

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Climate Risks to the Australian Mining Industry - A Preliminary Review of Vulnerabilities

Future climate variability and change will impact on mining operations and their attendant communities. To minimise this impact, early and informed risk management is warranted. However, research into the risks posed by climate to the Australian mining industry has so far been limited. We are conducting a systematic study of the mining life-cycle to identify the main areas of vulnerability and adaptive capacity of operations and communities. This project aims to assess what adaptation activities are currently being undertaken within the mining industry and its communities across Australia and to develop a risk management approach that will aid the adaptation of practices in and around the industry, better assuring the security of people, jobs, revenue and the environment under changed or extreme climate conditions. The Canadian mining industry was recently assessed through a similar study, which found that many mining companies perceive a real risk to mining from climate change in the future, despite few companies being actively involved in managing such risk. At a workshop held by CSIRO involving mining specialists, the most vulnerable stage in the mining process in the Australian context was assessed to be production. In particular, impacts on water and energy supplies and also transport and infrastructure were of high concern. Additionally, heat stress on workers and equipment, changes in groundwater flow and increases in geohazards were also identified as important factors in the short and long term if problematic climate events become more extreme or more frequent. Risks in the planning and post-mine stages were also identified. Based on literature reviews and preliminary discussions with mining experts, here we present an initial assessment of the climate adaptation issues relating to mining and its associated communities and describe our future work plans in this area._x000D_
FORMAL CITATION:Hodgkinson, J H, Loechel, B, Moffat, K, Howden, M, Littleboy, A K and Crimp, S, 2010. Climate risks to the Australian mining industry - a preliminary review of vulnerabilities, in Proceedings Sustainable Mining 2010, pp 341-350 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2010
  • PDF Size: 0.156 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201006038

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