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Conference Proceedings

Sustainable Mining 2010

Conference Proceedings

Sustainable Mining 2010

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Contributions from Improved Surface Mine Haulage Road Design, Operation and Management Techniques to Sustainable Development

Operating well designed and maintained surface mine haul roads is the key to minimising truck haulage costs - in itself a significant component of the total cost per tonne mined. Existing and proposed mining operations are subject to scrutiny, both from the economic and environmental perspectives. In the long run, this scrutiny returns improved efficiencies and leaner, greener' operations. The focus of this evolving evaluation process should and will certainly fall on haulage operations - simply by virtue of their contribution to overall cost of operations and sustainability impacts. Whilst the end result - improved efficiency and contributions to resource sustainability - is not in itself problematic, it is the route, or process followed to achieve these improvements that needs to be carefully managed. We can be guided on this journey by our understanding of how a road is designed, and, critically, the technological solutions that can contribute to a company's sustainability initiatives._x000D_
This paper examines the current state of mine road design and operation, together with the economic and environmental issues associated with under-performance._x000D_
The paper serves as a basis for evaluating the economic and environmental contributions that technology in road design and management can deliver to sustainable operations. Utilising innovation is the key to long-term sustainability and as a means of positioning the industry for the imminent structural changes to the economy and environment, changes which are now within the operating life of many mines, haul roads and haul trucks._x000D_
FORMAL CITATION:Thompson, R J, 2010. Contributions from improved surface mine haulage road design, operation and management techniques to sustainable development, in Proceedings Sustainable Mining 2010, pp 53-65 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2010
  • PDF Size: 0.752 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201006006

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