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Conference Proceedings

Sustainable Mining 2010

Conference Proceedings

Sustainable Mining 2010

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Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures - The Use of Sea water in Mineral Processing

The expansion of hydrometallurgical operations, declining ore grades and upwardly spiralling production increases the demand for fresh and recycled water with low levels of contaminants. The minerals industry is also increasingly being forced both by regulatory and cost pressures to reduce the amount of liquid waste they produce._x000D_
This requires a strong focus on waste reduction by recycling, regeneration and reuse. However, these measures are often not enough in arid countries for a forward progress and expansion of their mining activities._x000D_
It is often the case that in the arid and semi-arid countries the only available water is either sea water or underground (brackish to hypersaline) saline waters. Brackish waters can be desalted at a reasonable cost but the desalination of highly saline waters is challenging and expensive._x000D_
There are emerging reports that sea water and in some cases hypersaline underground waters are now used by various mining industries as process water. This study explores the possibility of the use of sea water in various mineral processing and hydrometallurgical processes and briefly discusses the benefits and problems related to the use of saline waters at the mine and mill site. Several cases studies and preliminary laboratory test results are presented._x000D_
FORMAL CITATION:Aral, H, Mead, S, Cuevas, J, Davey, K and Bruckard, W, 2010. Desperate times call for desperate measures - the use of sea water in mineral processing, in Proceedings Sustainable Mining 2010, pp 148-163 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2010
  • PDF Size: 0.641 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201006014

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