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Conference Proceedings

Sustainable Mining 2010

Conference Proceedings

Sustainable Mining 2010

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SUSOP: Embedding Sustainable Development Principles into the Design and Operation of Resource Extraction and Processing Operations

Though many mining and mineral processing companies have embraced the principles of sustainable development (SD), there is still a significant challenge of applying these in a practical sense, either in plant design or as part of day-to-day operations. The high-level nature of sustainability concepts often do not translate easily into workable activities or business case evaluations. This makes it difficult for engineers and company decision makers to understand whether their actions are making a contribution to sustainable development and a long-term business case. While several organisations have their own SD tools that can, to a degree, help identify these opportunities, they are largely ad-hoc and lack the necessary thoroughness to defensibly value these opportunities._x000D_
Recognising these serious shortcomings, the Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Resource Processing (CSRP) has undertaken the development and trial applications of SUSOP (SUStainable OPerations), a new concept that is somewhat analogous to HAZOP and the wider risk and safety frameworks used in projects today. The key goal of the SUSOP research project is to produce a holistic, systematic and rigorous framework for project development, capturing, recording and evaluating SD opportunities and constraints against a chosen sustainability structure (eg Five Capitals)._x000D_
SUSOP is being developed through an iterative process with input from research institutions and engineering companies. This integrated approach ensures that SUSOP, in its final form, will have the academic rigour and industry realism required to assist the resource sector contribute to societal sustainability by embedding the concepts and processes into the design and operation of their assets in a meaningful and practical manner._x000D_
SUSOP has created much traction with both engineering companies and mining and minerals operators. This conference paper presents an overview of the SUSOP framework and its current suite of processes as well as highlighting, through practical case studies, its capability to incorporate SD considerations at different phases of an engineering project's development._x000D_
FORMAL CITATION:Green, S R, Corder, G D, McLellan, B C, van Beers, D and Bangerter, P J, 2010. SUSOP - embedding sustainable development principles into the design and operation of resource extraction and processing operations, in Proceedings Sustainable Mining 2010, pp 29-37 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2010
  • PDF Size: 0.705 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201006004

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