Conference Proceedings
Symposium on Automation for Mineral Resource Development
Conference Proceedings
Symposium on Automation for Mineral Resource Development
Health Monitoring of Underground Mining Machines
Improvements in mining by the application of electronics necessitates analy- sis of the objectives and problems. A detailed analysis has shown that increased tunel- ling performance is one of the most important objectives. In mining, the environmental conditions for machines, their handling and servicing are very hard. Therefore a health monitoring system for tunnelling machines in hazardous areas has been developed. This system measures operational parameters, such as-flow, pressure, temperature, etc., de- rives forecasts of possible failures from these values, and assists maintenance person- nel. Important data are transmitted to a surface computer via telephone cables. Health monitoring is based on the cognition that slow deterioration of characteristic parame- ters, e.g. fluid loss, are symptoms of wear. Sudden changes of machine parameters indi- cate sudden destruction. Computer technology is very advanced, but transducer technolo- gy has not,been able to keep pace. Filling the yawning gap in the mining industry is a challenge to technology and requires special techniques. Machine monitoring and automa- tion in underground mining is still in its infancy. A lqt of development and research work is still necessary. The risks are great-The expected benefit due to increased min- ing performance (up to 5 %) justifies the risks in development.
E Schellenberg, G Steinbrucker
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- Published: 1985
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- Unique ID: P198505031