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Conference Proceedings

Tailings and Mine Waste Management for the 21st Century 2015

Conference Proceedings

Tailings and Mine Waste Management for the 21st Century 2015

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Advanced Customisable Leach Columns - A New Kinetic Testing Method to Simulate Site-specific Conditions

The prediction of how waste materials will evolve geochemically within waste storage facilities has been the subject of hundreds of thousands of hours researched by geoscientists globally. Despite the quantity of research there are a number of significant areas of uncertainty that remain as partially resolved issues. One of the most significant issues is the applicability of scaling laboratory test results to field conditions, and the use of laboratory data for predictive calculations to determine geochemical evolution of waste materials in the field. This issue has arisen predominantly as a result of the relative paucity of field monitoring data from waste rock storage facilities (WRSFs) and the fact that laboratory test methods are not typically linked to specific field conditions; rather they are based on generic standardised methods and designed primarily to simulate accelerated weathering conditions that do not relate to field conditions in a linear manner.To address these specific issues the authors have in the last two years made significant progress in the development and deployment of advanced field monitoring equipment within numerous WRSFs. O'Kane Consultants (OKC) has previously reported the findings from data collected from these monitoring installations in a number of papers presented throughout 2013-2014. This valuable site data has subsequently been used by OKC as the basis to design and engineer advanced customisable site-specific kinetic leach columns at OKC's geochemistry research laboratory. These columns represent an important advancement in kinetic column assessment methodology as they have been designed to replicate the field internal conditions within waste facilities.Key features of the columns include their capacity, size and technical specifications; including fully programmable solenoid-controlled air supply with variable flow and pressure control and in-line heating option, automated temperature control and monitoring, automated oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production monitoring, and soil moisture/matric suction monitoring.This flexibility of the design not only allows for more accurate field-based assessment of pyrite oxidation rates (POR) but also assessment of the potential effectiveness of waste management options such as deposition within a reduced oxygen environment, for example, as simulations of reduced net percolation rates or oxygen ingress rates can be accommodated.CITATION:Pearce, S, Pearce, J and Barteaux, M, 2015. Advanced customisable leach columns - a new kinetic testing method to simulate site-specific conditions, in Proceedings Tailings and Mine Waste Management for the 21st Century , pp 137-144 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2015
  • PDF Size: 1.881 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201506017

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