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Conference Proceedings

Tailings and Mine Waste Management for the 21st Century 2015

Conference Proceedings

Tailings and Mine Waste Management for the 21st Century 2015

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Conceptual Design of a Dry-stacked Coal Rejects Facility in a Subtropical Climate

As filtering technology improves and there is an increased focus on environmental impacts, the concept of managing fine coal rejects by filtering, mixing with coarse rejects and dry stacking them is being considered more seriously. In Queensland, there appears to be a desire from regulators to move away from wet rejects facilities towards dry-stacked facilities, resulting in a change in the risk profile for the facility.A coalminer has a site with many constraints, including limited area that is not planned to be undermined and nearby rivers that are prone to flooding. The design of a dry-stacked facility that meets the operational requirements and environmental compliance criteria is challenging in subtropical climatic settings, where there is a need to consider wet seasons with high-volume, sustained rainfall events. The impact of the rainfall is multifaceted, requiring careful surface water management to separate clean and contact water, adequate foundation preparation to limit seepage to groundwater, management of stack stability given a potentially high phreatic surface and the avoidance of potential flood zones. These design constraints were compounded by a limited area available for rejects storage that would not be undermined.This paper presents a summary of the conceptual design of a dry rejects facility, including consideration of regulatory and client requirements, provision for expansion while also considering progressive rehabilitation, diversion of clean water as much as practicable during operations and siting constraints. A step-by-step concept is presented that addresses each constraint during the life of the facility.CITATION:Barrett, A M and Chapman, P J, 2015. Conceptual design of a dry-stacked coal rejects facility in a subtropical climate, in Proceedings Tailings and Mine Waste Management for the 21st Century , pp 27-34 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2015
  • PDF Size: 7.546 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201506005

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