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Conference Proceedings

10th Mill Operators' Conference 2009

Conference Proceedings

10th Mill Operators' Conference 2009

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Getting Optimum Value from Ore Characterisation Programs in Design and Geometallurgical Projects Associated with Comminution Circuits

Inevitably the 'post-boom' era has changed the emphasis of many mining companies away from new project development and expansion to optimisation of existing operations. However, regardless of the project, high quality ore characterisation will remain of the utmost importance. In the case of new project development the need to understand the breakage characteristics will remain as important as it has always been. In optimisation projects, however, where it will be required to get the very best from existing comminution circuits, accurate geometallurgical modelling will take on an increasingly important role. However, these requirements, in both new development and optimisation projects, are likely to be at odds with budgets as these will be tight. Hence obtaining the best value for money will be essential. This paper discusses the elements that need to be satisfied for ore characterisation programs to be successful._x000D_
Some of the issues covered will be: ore variability and sample selection, test precision, problems with the use of non-standard testing equipment, and the value of databases.
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  • Published: 2008
  • PDF Size: 0.095 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200911019

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