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Conference Proceedings

Tenth Mill Operators' Conference 2009

Conference Proceedings

Tenth Mill Operators' Conference 2009

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Successful Technology Transfer from the P260 Project - Case Studies on Plant Implementation of Generic Flotation Research

The Wark has been conducting collaborative research through the AMIRA International P260 series of projects for over 20 years. This paper reviews specific outcomes of successful technology transfer to flotation plant practice over that time. Moreover, findings of an independent audit of industry users of the research outcomes of the P260 project are reviewed. The key to successful technology transfer is the active engagement of industry personnel at all phases of the technology transfer process. Other research outcomes include the novel application of new measurement tools and methodologies which include, for example, advanced surface analysis techniques. These new tools and methodologies have been pivotal to improving our understanding of factors that limit the flotation separation of minerals at plant scale. Future potential targets for technology transfer to improve flotation plant practice are discussed.
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  • Successful Technology Transfer from the P260 Project - Case Studies on Plant Implementation of Generic Flotation Research
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  • Published: 2008
  • PDF Size: 0.363 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200911023

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