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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1901

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1901

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Improvements in the Application of Water Cooled Tests for Cupellation

Since the introduction of water cooled test rings the operation of cupelling retort bullion has not alone been sImplified, but has also been the means of concentrating the bullion for the fining test in a much shorter time.The first water cooled test ring which I used was rectangular in shape, inside dimensions 5 ft. 3 in. x 2 ft. IQ in., and made of i in. mild steel plates, with a water space of 9i in. x 3t in. However, it was found that as soon as the filling commenced to wear and the litharge came in contact with the jacket, the plate was gradually affected on the lines of the wash, caused by the blast. After a while the inside steel plate went beyond the factor of safety, and was then substituted on the sides and the front of the test ring by a tin copper plate, which has stood now for the last five years without showing the least signs of wear or leakage.The test remains in use as long as the bottom is regarded as safe, and toward the end of the life of the test the litharge is allowed to work against the copper plate.
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  • Published: 1900
  • PDF Size: 1.847 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1901_0036

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