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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1901

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1901

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Presidential Address

In referring to two subjects of interest to the Members of this Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers, I would at the outset desire to express our gratification that to-day we are able to welcome as now united with ourselves, those members who until recently constituted the New Zealand Institute. It is hoped that the amalgamation so amicably arranged may be productive of the best results to all concerned, incorporated as this combination has been at the moment of the fulfilment of that greater political union, the Australian Commonwealth.Since last Annual Meeting held in Brisbane, we have come under the same roof as the Chamber of Mines of Victoria, and we entertain the hope that as that Chamber and this Institute possess so many interests in common in the encouragement and advancement of mining and metallurgical progress in these colonies, that much mutual benefit will ensue. There are many directions in which each body can assist the other, and I trust that a friendly co-operation will be maintained.It is gratifying to feel that in all the colonies a distinct movement is being made to increase the facilities for education in Mining and Metallurgy but if I may refer to our colony of Victoria in particular, we have to express the profound regret that in the means of education in the higher branches, we occupy an inferior position, and it is quite certain that we will continue to do so unless the Government is prepared to subordinate provincial considerations to the weightier.
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  • Published: 1900
  • PDF Size: 1.073 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1901_0046

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