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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1902

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1902

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Examples of Mine Timbering

So many emergencies that crop up in mining necessitate a departure from ordinary methods that the writer has been led to illustrate a few of the examples that have come under his notice during a somewhat lengthy career; and as most of the methods illustrated are certainly outside the ordinary, it may be hoped that while to many they may convey little that is new, to the larger number some acceptable information may be gleaned whenever the occasion calls for it. Experience has shown that there can be no hard and fast rule in mine timbering that will fit the varying- necessities of different localities, and the engineer must divest his mind of all prejudices that his practice of any particular system or systems may have induced, and must direct his attention to the character of the local timber and its fitness or otherwise for the purpose he has in view. Fortunate indeed are the man and mine that can claim an abundance of good and cheap mining timber it simplifies, oftentimes, what would be, under unfavourable timber conditions, a difficult problem. In many parts of the States there is either none or at best a scrub if the latter, he has to either pigstye, balk, or bulkhead, if his ground will permit; if, not, and the necessary timber has to be imported, then some system of recovering his timber and using it over and over again may be possible. As an illustration of this, Fig-s. Nos. I and 2 show a method applied to the copper deposits of the LyellTharsis, Tasmania. The workings were wide; varying from 30 ft. to 50 ft., and the deposit a taIcose schist of fairly good...
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  • Published: 1901
  • PDF Size: 0.542 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1902_0064

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