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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1902

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1902

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Notes on Practical Mining in Bendigo

In undertaking to write a few notes on practical mining in Bendigo, the great quartz mining centre of Victoria, which just now is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary of gold mining, satisfaction must be expressed which is, no doubt, shared by all mining men and inyestors, that Bendigo has not lagged behind other Australian mining districts in the evolution of mining from its crude state, subsequent to the discovery of gold in 185 to its present more perfect state; and though it may be said that it has not yet reached the high pinnacle of perfection towards which advanced science and change of conditions may yet lead it in the course of future progress, yet, what has already been done in this respect, the adoption of the most approved methods appliances and modern machinery, tending towards greater and still greater efficiency, facility, and economy in our mining industry, must be accepted as a guarantee that in tne future as well as in the past, progress in our means of developing our mining resources will ever remain our watchword, by means of which future difficulties will be overcome as well as they have been removed in the past.The adoption of this principal, combined with a study of rigid economy, has raised gold mining here, as well as in other places, from a state of speculation, and sometimes wild speculation, to the status of a solid, stable industry, the strong supportand backbone of the country in which it flourishes. Two of the principal factors which have been to a great extent instrumental in bringing about this satisfactory state, must be specially mentioned.
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  • Published: 1901
  • PDF Size: 0.78 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1902_0065

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