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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1902

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1902

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Some Notes on Gold Milling Practice in Bendigo

This paper endeavours to lay as concisely as possible, before the members the salient features of local gold milling practice, and to point out in what respects this practice differs from that of other large mining camps. This is essentially a free milling ore the gangue being quartz and the gold occurring in a coarse form. At times the ore crushed contains a good deal of slate, the latter imparting to the tailings a somewhat leaden hue.Small amounts of sulphides, chiefly iron pyrites, and at times smaller quantities of arsenical pyrites, zinc blende, and galena are contained in the stone. The average amount of sulphides contained in the ore cannot well be ascertained, as the concentrate obtained in all cases contain too much silica to form a basis of calculation...
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  • Published: 1901
  • PDF Size: 1.18 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1902_0069

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