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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1902

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1902

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The Metallurgical Treatment of Complex Tin Sulphides

Were it simply a matter of extracting tin from the simple tin sulphide, the proposition would undoubtedly be simple enough. When, however, other valuable metallic sulphides are combined with the tin, and it is required to separate these intomarketable products, then the proposition becomes somewhat complex, and such is the case with the class of material of which I am about to write. The locality where it occurs is Howell, New South Wales, and chiefly at the Conrad Silver-Lead Mine. The tin sulphide occurs chemically alloyed with copper, iron and other metals associated with galena, pyrites, mispickel, blende and silver sulphide in varying proportions, and generally in a gangue of highly crystallised quartz.Several varieties of tin sulphides occur, and from the following analyses of three minerals, these being specimens specially selected free from foreign matters, it will be seen that the chemical composition is somewhat complex.
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  • Published: 1901
  • PDF Size: 0.52 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1902_0072

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