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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1902

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1902

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Winding Machinery on the Bendigo Goldfields

In the Bendigo district, with its large number of comparitively small leases worked by separate companies, we might naturally expect to find many different arrangements of winding machinery and, as a matter of fact, there are steam winches, old portable engines, single and duplex geared engines, twin engines on the first motion, and in one instance a single engine on the first motion, all employed for hauling purposes from depths of 1000 feet and over.It would be impossible in the compass of this paper to discuss at all fully the various arrangements of winding gear employed on the field the writer can simply refer to some of the more prominent features, in the hope that the information may prove of interest and benefit to the mining community. In criticising our machinery it must be remembered that when many of the plants in use at the present time were erected, they were not intended to wind from more than one third of the depths now common on the field; but so long as the machine could be made to haul a tank of water from the bottom of the shaft it has remained, the greater power required being obtained by increasing the piston speed and altering the gear wheels to suit. The consequence is, of course, that in some of our mines the speed of winding is painfully slow this feature, however, though certainly not consistent with modern ideas of economical mining, does not so seriously affect Bendigo as it would other fields, for the comparatively small quantity of stone to be raised from a given reef by some...
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  • Published: 1901
  • PDF Size: 0.631 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1902_0074

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