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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1904

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1904

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Notes on Sampling

This paper is intended partly as a summary of the conclusions that have been arrived at by various authorities on this matter, and also with a view to initiate some discussion on the subject, especially as most of the quartz gold mines in Victoria are operated without having any proper assay plans or any idea of the real values other than those given by the mining managers, who, from experience in the particular cases, are supposed to be able to arrive at a correct idea of the true values of- the ore, and, in many cases, oppose any other methods than their own, holding the view that no sampling is equal in correctness to the bulk sample of the battery. The necessity of properly sampling and estimating the ore in a mine in every case, perhaps hardly needs to be urged on the members of the Institute, but is not, apparently, so obvious to others.It is proposed to confine this paper to the sampling of ore reserves in a mine, and the various points which have to be taken into consideration in arriving at values, from the assayer's point of view, leaving the methods of sampling metallurgical products out of consideration for the present. "It is advisable to define" ore reserves" as ore exposed on three sides at least, and accessible to the sampler on all three. "Prospective ore" would include all ore not so fully exposed; but which may, from the nature of the case, and the geological conditions prevailing, be reasonably supposed to exist.
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  • Published: 1903
  • PDF Size: 0.451 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1904_0093

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