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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1911

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1911

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Electrolytic Chlorine at Mount Morgan, Queensland

As the Mount Morgan electrolytic chlorine plant is the first of its kind installed in Australia, and as the details of this method of producing chlorine have, up to the present time, been kept more or less secret all over the world, the author trusts that this paper may fill a gap in the technical literature of the subject.When an electric current is passed through a strong solution of sodium chloride the following reaction takes place -2 NaCl + 2 H 20 = 2 NaOH + C1 2 + H 2 Chlorine gas is liberated at the anode or entering pole of the current, while caustic soda and hydrogen are formed at the cathode or leaving pole of the current. If the two electrodes be simply immersed in a vessel containing salt and the current be turned on, there will be no result save slight smell of escaping chlorine gas. The passage of the current will have certainly split up the salt water according to the above equation, but as the products would be in juxtaposition they would immediately reunite, and the electrical energy would have been spent without any beneficial result having been obtained. Therefore, the all-important problem in designing an electrolytic chlorine cell is the finding of some effective means of isolating from each other the chlorine and caustic: soda as soon as liberated from the...
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  • Published: 1910
  • PDF Size: 0.407 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1911_0137

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