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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1911

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1911

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Steam Winding Engines

WINDING engines are one of the most important units in the equipment of a mine. Upon the winding machinery depends not only the output of the mine, but it supplies in most cases the only means by which workmen enter and return from the mine, and consequently the utmost care and attention is desirable in its design. The efficiency of a direct acting winding engine, as a machine is very low. In other words, the proportion between the useful work performed and the actual work the engine is capable of performing (under the most favourable conditions) is very small. The reasons for this are:-1. The intermittent nature of the work; the engine is stopped from 20 to 25 %(or even more) of the time which would constitute a useful day's work.2. The large amount of power that is absorbed applying the brakes to bring the load to rest.3. That the net useful load raised is small in comparison with dead load to be lifted, and the parts to be set in motion.4. That, owing to the frequent stops, initial condensation in the cylinders is always greater than in a continuously running engine, whilst radiation from steam pipes, valve chests, &c., goes on whether the engine is running or...
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  • Published: 1910
  • PDF Size: 1.72 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1911_0162

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