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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1912

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1912

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The Geology of Kalgoorlie

CHAPTER 1 - GENERALIn the introduction to this chapter a general account is given of the growth of the mining industry in Western Australia from J88G, when the output of gold for the whole State was only 1148, to 1908, when: the output had risen to 6,999,885. In 1903 the output reached 8,770,719.It is quite evident that the discovery of gold in Western Australia was the means of opening up the road to broader industrial expansion, and it is doubted if any other portion of the British Empire more clearly exemplifies the nation-building forces of metalliferous mining than this State.The chapter includes an account of the following situation and history of the field.CHAPTER 2 - GEOLOGYIn this chapter the classification of the rocks of Kalgoorlie, but particularly those on the Golden Mile, is considered. Each rock is described in detail, and microphotos are shown to indicate the most important features in each type. As far as the Golden Mile is concerned, it is held that, notwithstanding the general chemical and more or less dynamical metamorphism which the rocks have suffered, it is possible to divide them into six groups...
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  • Published: 1911
  • PDF Size: 13.055 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1912_0193

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