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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1918

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1918

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Flow of Compressed Air in Pipes

COMPRESSED air is held in high esteem by the mining engineer as a medium for the transmission of power. The transmission, however, is accompanied by a high percentage of loss. Of the total work done by the steam cylinder'in compressing the air inthe air cylinder, less than 50% is ultimately utilized by the machines underground. These losses are due to its essential and inherent properties as a gas. One of the sources of loss is that due to transmission through the pipes which distribute the air from the receiver to the various places where it is used. As the capacity and economic design of air-compressing plant are influenced by this source of loss, it may be of interest to give an outline of how estimates may readily be made'in practice of thediameter of pipes, quantity of air discharged, and the drop in pressure occasioned.In hydraulics we have a general formula given M Rankine's "Civil Engineering" :It was suggested, the writer believes, in the first instance by D'Arcy, that this formula could be made to apply to an elastic...
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  • Published: 1917
  • PDF Size: 0.569 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1918_0220

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