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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1922

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1922

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Burma Corporation Ltd: a description and review of early Chinese and present-day operations

THE Corporation owns a large silver - lead - zinc mine and treatment plant in Upper Burma. The Chinese, as far back as 1412 A.D. mined and smelted the ore for its silver contents, and this paper has been prepared with the belief that a review of past and present-day operations will be of interest to members of the Institute. Many figures and statements regarding the Corporation's activities have already been published, so the writer hp felt at liberty to incorporate in this article some of the estimates prepared by him on the field during 1920. The records of the Geological Survey of India for 1909, now out of print, contain an excellent article by Messrs. La Touche and Brown, aided by Dr. Malcolm Maclaren, on the early Chinese history and also geological notes on the Bawdwin mine; and, as these records are authentic, liberal use has been made of the information and illustrations given in the above records. A later and more comprehensive paper on the geology of the district, by L. Coggin Brown, was published in Records Geological Survey of India, 1918, Vol. 48,p. 165. The Bawdwin mine is situated in one of the Northern Shan States. These States lie to the north-east of Burma proper, and between it and the Chinese border of Yunnan. The Shans are a distinct race, with a language and customs of their own. Each State has its own "Sawbaw," or ruler, who in any important business acts under the guidance of a British official responsible to the Government of India and Burma. These Government officials are of a very high standard and of unimpeachable integrity. The Bawdwin mine is known to the Chinese of Yunnan as "Lao Yin Chang," or the "old silver mines," and is reported to have been first worked in the ninth year of the reign of Yung Lo, of the Ming dynasty, 1412 A.D.
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  • Published: 1921
  • PDF Size: 3.945 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1922_2003

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