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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1922

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1922

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Gold Occurrences at Bendigo

IN previous discussions on the occurrence of gold in the Bendigo quartz reefs the opinion has been put forward that the gold shoots are primary concentrations in the quartz reefs during the period of vein-formation. The view has been based upon the constant features of the gold shoots in a large number of individual reefs, independent of their depth below the surface. These features include the mineral associations accompanying the gold, the appearance and association of the gold in the quartz, the similarity in all respects (excepting mineral content) between richly gold-bearing quartz and poor quartz, and the variations in mineral content in the reef apart from gold. The view has been supported by a relation of the gold shoots to faults, together with the dependence of the reefs on the existence of pre-mineral faulting. The secondary deposition of gold has only been observed in a few instances .associated with the younger monchiquite dykes, and is of no economic importance.
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  • Published: 1921
  • PDF Size: 4.969 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1922_0265

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