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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1922

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1922

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Screening Tests on Fine Screens

UNDER a contract relating to the sale of a Broken Hill concentrate, the differentiation between granular and slime concentrate is determined by the proportion of the material which will pass a 200-mesh (I.M.M. standard) screen, and this has led to considerable attention being devoted to the question of laboratory sizing tests with screens of this order.It was found that many of the screens turned out by the makers during the war, and also since its termination, did not conform with the I.M.M. specifications as closely as some supplied in pre-war days. A perfect screen is hardly to be expected, but when the above contract was framed the parties anticipated that, by special care being taken during manufacture, a screen at least as good as the best pre-war screens would be available. This, however, has not proved to be the case, and the large irregularities in screens recently supplied render them useless for sizing determinations under the contract. The makers were approached through the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London, with the view of obtaining a few screens conforming as closely as possible to the 200-mesh I.M.M. standard, and in response to a request twelve pieces of screen were...
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  • Published: 1921
  • PDF Size: 0.472 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1922_0271

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