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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1923

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1923

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An Outline of the Economic Geology of Tasmania

THIS paper is not intended to be more than a mere outline of the economic geology of Tasmania. It is desired to present in a condensed form the present state of our knowledge in regard to the distribution of the ore, coal, and oil-shale deposits of Tasmania in time and space.Tasmania is exceptionally well endowed with mineral wealth, particularly in the north-western and western districts. In the enthusiasm resulting from the first discoveries of mineral deposits at a great number of localities in those districts, it became a generally accepted belief that the whole of that portion of Tasmania constituted a continuous metalliferous province. As geological research in these, areas has progressed, however, it has become increasingly clear that ore-deposition has been confined on an economic scale to definite well-defined areas or belts which have a genetic relationship to certain tectonic and petrologic phases of the general geology. These areas or belts have recently been defined by the writer, and...
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  • Published: 1922
  • PDF Size: 0.388 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1923_0278

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