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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1923

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1923

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Comparative Cost of Rock Drilling Underground

DURING a period extending over about the last two and a half years, the performances of various types of rock drills in use at the mining department of the Zinc Corporation have been recorded as closely as possible. The main objective was the collection of sufficient data regarding internal water-feed hammer drills, when used for the same class of work as the older type reciprocating drill, to enable a decision to be formed on the following points:(1) Whether internal water-feed, hammer drills could efficiently perform the work previously carried out by reciprocating drills without excessive repair cost to the former.(2) If so, was it good policy commercially to eliminate the reciprocating type completely, writing these off together with the accompanying spares, accessories, and solid drill steel, and replacing with internal water-feed hammer drills, with lighter fittings, and the requisite amount of hollow drill steel.(3) What were the best types and makes of hammer drill for different classes of mining work(4) What was the economic aspect of the introduction of the principle of internal water feed to every type of machine throughout the mine.Prior to the strike of workers in May, 1919, Ingersoll-Rand E47 31-in. reciprocating drills had been used for stoping and for the major portion of driving, cross-cutting, and similar work. The accompanying columns and fittings were all 4t in. The drill steel used was solid octagon. Up to 1916 these machines were also used for winzing, after which time jackhamers were more successfully employed. These latter were of the usual types, varying in weight from 40 to' 46 Ib. Ingersoll BCR 430, Holman No. 2 spool valve, Sullivan DP33,. Waugh Clipper 55. These machines were all dry head; the drill steel was hollow hexagon, shanked.
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  • Published: 1922
  • PDF Size: 0.269 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1923_0279

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