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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1923

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1923

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Notes on the Lindsay Reward Tin Mine, Western Tasmania

WHEN the writer resided at Zeehan, qn the West Coast of Tasmania, some years ago, he took a keen interest in the geology of the district and availed himself of the opportunity to investigate occurrences, of the varied minerals in which the field abounds. The following notes were compiled as a result of one of his periodical visits to the outlying mining districts, when an examination was made of the bindsay Reward tin mining property, which has an area of 140 acres. This is most easily reached from Renison Bell, the centre of the North Dundas tin-fields, on the Emu Bay railway, 'about' eight miles north east of Zeehan. Thence a pack track some 14 -miles long connects with the mine, crossing the Piemah River by a fine suspension bridge.The mine itself is situated on the main south leading spot of the Parson's Hood Range, at an altitude of some 1600 ft. above sea level. The Parson's Hood Range is composed of granite and is an extension of the rugged Meredith Range. A remarkable feature is the uniform topography of the surrounding country when viewed from the peaks. Except where dissected by the rivers and creeks, the surface is practically level and, indeed, affords a striking illustration of an ancient uplifted peneplain.The mine has been opened by means of trenches and adits, and the ore-body proved to extend for a length of 30 chains, with an average width of about 100 ft. Its general trend is west-north-west, and its dip, which is steep, corresponds to that of the country-rocks. These latter, which are of sedimentary origin and generally regarded as of pre-Silurian age, have been tilted at high angles, consequent, no doubt, on the crustal movements produced by the intrusion of the huge granitic masses which now form the high ranges in the vicinity.It may be here remarked that it is not Within the scope of this paper to deal with the sequence of events leading to the geological structure...
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  • Published: 1922
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1923_0282

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